Vilppu Sketching on Location Manual contains hundreds of illustrations by Glenn VIlppu.
It is a practical sketching guide for artists of all levels,
from beginner to professional, developed through over 50 years of Glenn Vilppu 's teaching experience.
The Sketching on Location Manual originated as a series of daily lessons for artists participating in Glenn Vilppu's Annual Sketching on Location Workshops in Europe.
Lessons include sketching buildings, landscape, people, creating textures, space and atmosphere, how to work from photos without copying as well as use of different materials.
The 12 chapters include:
Chapter 1 Point to Point Approach
Chapter 2 The Thumbnail Sketch
Chapter 3 Organizing and Creating Space
Chapter 4 Light and Dark Patterns
Chapter 5 Texture as Planes
Chapter 6 Pencil Technique
Chapter 7 Groups of Figures
Chapter 8 The Quick Sketch
Chapter 9 The Silhouette - Positive and Negative Shape
Chapter 10 Three dimensional Figures
Chapter 11 Atmosphere - Using water soluble ink to create washes
Chapter 12 Using Photographs.