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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Biblical Studies / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:250
  • eBook ISBN:9798350931198

True and New

discover your true identity, priceless worth, and beautiful purpose

by Grace Bonine

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Have you ever wondered where your identity, your worth, and your purpose in life come from? Just as only an artist knows the true worth and meaning of his or her artwork, so also does your Creator hold the truth about your priceless worth. Rather than working to create, prove, or change yourself, God wants to show you and for you to receive what he has already done for you and said about you. You are someone he loves. In this eight-week artistic and interactive Bible study, you will get to explore and discover more of who God is and who you are to him. As you go through this study with a group of women, you will be encouraged, find healing, be touched by the heart of God, and find the abundant and beautiful life you were made for with him.
"For all of the women who have always known deep down inside that they are priceless, and for all of the women who have yet to discover it" Have you ever wondered where your identity, your worth, and your purpose in life come from? Have you ever been kicked down and tried to get back up? With so many messages coming at you while living in a fallen world, it can be hard to find the truth about who you are and what you were made for. In this day and age, people try to find their identity and their worth in so many things. They may find it in what they do or what they have done, how many friends they have, how many followers they have on social media, how many awards they have won, or what other people say about them. We may not realize that we also start to define our worth and identity based on what has happened to us, good or bad. But, is this really where our worth comes from? Are you defined by what you do or by what others say about you? What is the truth about our identity and our worth? The truth is—God says that these things don't define us. He tells us that our true identity and worth are completely separate from these messages we hear and may start to believe. The truth will set you free (John 8:32). Just as only an artist knows the true worth and meaning of his or her artwork, so also does your Creator hold the truth about your priceless worth. Rather than working to create, prove, or change yourself, God wants to show you and for you to receive what he has already done for you and said about you. You are someone he loves. In this eight-week artistic and interactive Bible study, you will get to explore and discover more of who God is and who you are to him. If you trust what God shows you and put your faith in what Jesus has done for you, you will find the abundant and beautiful life you were made for with him. "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us new in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." ~Ephesians 2:10
About the author
Hi! I'm Grace. My life has been forever changed by grace. My heart and passion is to see others step into their true, God-given worth, identity, and purpose with courage. I long to see others find true freedom, abundant life, overflowing healing, and joy in a relationship with the God who loves them, just as I have. This Bible study is a testimony of what God has done in my life. I am not the same person I was five or ten years ago. I am now free, confident, and fully alive because God has shown me who I am and the depths of his love that casts out fear. There's nothing like knowing him and knowing the love of God that is found in Christ. His arms are open for every single person no matter what they have done or haven't done. He is perfect love, mercy, and so many things. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to become a writer and an artist. I absolutely love creating. I have a passion for people, experiencing other cultures, and seeing God at work around the world. I love to share stories of overcoming adversity and redemption and inspire others to something and a hope greater than themselves. I also have a passion to see others building family and community as it was meant to be. I enjoy adventures in nature, traveling, music, and time with family and friends. I love my family, my amazing husband, Craig, and our darling baby girl, Greta Joy. I enjoy baking, cooking, making things look beautiful, and being a goofball in my spare time. You can often find me enjoying time with my little family at home, out on a walk or adventure, or at a local coffee shop in Minnesota writing or updating the Monarch gift shop. You can hear more of my story and find more encouragement through a community called Monarch, blogs, and the gift shop at trueandnew.com and on Instagram. Monarch is a community of women who desire to walk in their true worth and all that God has for them. You will find encouragement for your every day. Be on the lookout for a podcast coming soon!