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Book details
  • Genre:LAW
  • SubGenre:Medical Law & Legislation
  • Language:English
  • Pages:124
  • Paperback ISBN:9781098386702

To Harvard From B.C.

by William M. Connolly MPH JD

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To Harvard From B.C. is the author's response to a Harvard email distributed to him and widely. The email demonstrated a conflict with fundamental principles of Constitutional Law and with the ideals of Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. The author sets forth his general disagreement with the Harvard email, and then goes into great detail on his personal experiences, family experiences, neighborhood experiences, and nationwide history in general which prove the Harvard email is bigoted and unenlightened. Harvard Medical Hospitals have also adopted a blatantly unconstitutional program of "preferential treatment" based on skin color. This book attempts to set the record straight, and educate on manifold interrelated issues.
This book begins with a general discussion of the major issues with Harvard's email, which was widely publicized, and which is wildly in error. The Harvard email was signed by nineteen presidents, vice presidents, provosts and deans at Harvard, including the Schools of Law, Medicine, Public Health and Arts and Sciences. Their collective lack of understanding of the social, political, legal, medical and public health issues confronting America. The Harvard email falsely alleges that widespread systemic racism exists in America and more egregiously Harvard charges that Black Americans have been "targeted" by police authorities. This book points out that the statistical evidence disproves Harvard's claims. This book covers a plethora of issues, from epidemiology, epidemics, genetics, neonatology, infectious diseases, constitutional issues related to free speech, free association, due process, et cetera, and generally debunks Harvard's benighted view of America and current events in America along legal, medical, sociological, and public health issues. The book does acknowledge that more work is needed to help the poor and beset in America, but no program should be based on race-baiting, reverse racism and misinformation. The book concludes with forty pages of relevant photos and pictures which illuminate the issues and personalize the issues confronting America. Real Human Beings, our relatives and friends, have been killed and injured by violence on the streets and in service to America in wars, from WWII, through Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and until today. This book praises the service of police, firemen, emts, nurses, physicians, researchers, soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guard and those who serve in the U.S. Public Health Service, and who serve along many life saving fronts.
About the author
William Connolly was educated at Boston Latin, Boston College High School, Boston College, Georgetown Medical School and Suffolk Law School, has published ten books, and has worked primarily in health related and environmental law related areas.