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Book details
  • SubGenre:Criticism
  • Language:English
  • Pages:128
  • eBook ISBN:9781483568553
  • Paperback ISBN:9781483568546

Three Ways to Interpret Bible Verses

Fundamentalist, Non-Fundamentalist Believer, Humanist

by William Hagan

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Presents and explains three competing philosophies, that is, views: Fundamentalist, Non-Fundamentalist Belief, and Humanist for over fifty famous and controversial places from both the Old and New Testaments.
Based on thirty years of the author's experience teaching Philosophy and Religious Studies in a California State University. Explains the three major and competing philosophies of interpreting the Bible: Fundamentalism, Non-Fundamentalist Belief and Humanism. Presents some fifty famous citations from both the Old and the New Testament and three typical interpretations of each citation: that of a Fundamentalist, that of a Non-Fundamentalist Believer and that of a Humanist. Includes some of the most recent interpretations of believing scripture scholars as well as of non-believing Humanist scholars.. For example: creation in seven days from Genesis; whether Mary of Magdalene and Jesus were married. There are some suggested newer interpretations of the author for example Jesus on Divorce and what Jesus meant when he said "This is my body. This is my blood" at the Supper. Also how both Jesus and Buddha urged people in he same words to 'do the right thing.''
About the author
William “Bill” Hagan served as a Professor of Philosophy for thirty years with the California State University System. He received his BA in Greek and Latin Classics from Santa Clara University, his MA in Philosophy from Gonzaga University, and earned his STL, STD [Doctorate in Sacred Theology] from Woodstock Jesuit School of Theology in Maryland. He served as Associate Dean and Chair of Religious Studies for California State University, Dominguez Hills and was named Outstanding Professor for its School of Humanities in 1975. His other affiliations and accomplishments include: • President, Catholic Theological Society of Northern California, 1963–1966 • Member, Society of Jesus (Jesuits), for 24 years • Founder-Dean, College Theology Curriculum, at five Catholic nuns’ houses of training/novitiates, Los Gatos, CA, 1960–1966 His published works include: • “Three Ways to Read the Bible”, American Rationalist, 1970 • “A Note on the Meaning of Philosophy”, Logos, CSU Humanities Department newsletter • “Philosophy and Virtual Reality”, Logos, CSU Humanities Department newsletter • The Biblical Movement, Humanities Masters Degree Extension Course HUX 572 Text, California State University Board of Trustees, 1970 • “World Religious Perspectives”, Humanities Masters Degree Extension Course HUX 547 Text, California State University Board of Trustees, 1971 • Numerous Radio and TV Interviews, and Lectures Professor Hagan currently lives in western Sonoma County with his wife of 48 years, Annelie. They have two daughters and two grandchildren.