About the author
Raised in Pittsburgh, PA, the author left home at seventeen to go to Kodiak, Alaska, where he found work unloading crabs from boats for a cannery. A few months later when he turned eighteen, he joined the U.S. Army. He served for four years, one year at Ft. Knox, KY, and three years in Germany behind the Berlin Wall. Upon his discharge, he found employment at the Pa. Dept. of Transportation where he patched potholes and plowed snow while attending truck driving school. After completing that training course, he became an over-the-road tractor-trailer driver, and drove for several companies and a Texas state agency. For thirteen years, he hauled just about every imaginable kind of cargo on a wide variety of trailers. When he was thirty-six, he started his first semester of community college. He stayed on the Dean's List for the next two years, and earned an associate degree in business management. He opened an organic grocery store, but it failed after only two years. He started a vending service which he operated for twenty-three years. He took early retirement at sixty-two. A year later, the Coronavirus pandemic struck, and everything was shut down. This afforded him the opportunity to concentrate on writing the "Unpreached Bible" commentary.