In today's busy world people become so preoccupied with their day-to-day existence that they rarely have time to T_H_I_N_K!
I have designed this group of topics as conversation starters and short stories that cause the reader to think. They are meant to be kicked around, argued over, de¬veloped, expanded, and speculated upon in an endless game of What if! The modern world is designed so that you don't have to think. There are forces and organizations that want to make your choices for you and make it easy for you not to bother yourself with questioning them. As a result, we are losing the art of thinking things through.
Think about yourself, who you really are and where you are going, both in this life and the next one. Don't be afraid of finding answers that make you uncomfortable because having control over your life requires that you look at all the possibilities and make a choice instead of ignoring them and letting a choice be made for you.
Each of the following sections are also designed to promote the art of conversation. Examining such issues with others is a way to know them. When, if ever, will human beings learn to get along? When will we put race, color of skin, wealth, fame, politics and religion aside enough to accept each other as equals and live in harmony with each other? When we learn to focus on our similarities instead of our differences?
Did you ever wonder where you come from beyond your mother's womb?
Where do you go from here?
What would you change if you could?
What do you think?