Two young brothers, Andy and Toby, play in the remnants of an old, abandoned Christmas tree farm. After playing in the woods and getting quite muddy, they unknowingly track mud into their home. When their father comes home from work, he quickly turns the muddy footprints into an exciting adventure for the family about an imaginary Mud Puddle Monster. Together, they backtrack their way along the muddy trail, retracing their steps from the forest back to the house. Mom and Dad enhance the adventure by creating a fun and not-too-scary story as they explore the old tree farm on their way home
Through this experience, the young boys learn an important lesson: you don't need anything but your imagination to have an adventure. You don't need to travel by car or get a new bike; adventures can be part of everyday life. This memorable family outing shows that fun and lasting memories can be created without spending money or receiving new toys. Simple old fashion fun can be created easily using your own fertile imagination.