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Book details
  • SubGenre:Children with Special Needs
  • Language:English
  • Pages:196
  • Hardcover ISBN:9798350987560

The Miracle of James

by William F. Anzalone

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In honor of his brother James, the author, William F. Anzalone is donating 100% of the net proceeds from the purchase of this book to charities and organizations associated with special needs of children and adults. For orders exceeding 100 books, kindly place your order and email the author at bill@wfanzalone.com with the contact person, name and address of the organization or charity you would like to support along with the date your order was placed.

This is a story of my brother, who was injured at his birth. A story of a hydrocephalic ,paralyzed, home confined, bedridden baby who was 100 percent dependent on my mom, dad, my sisters and me for survival. An inspirational story of young parents who were living the American dream, who had the financial means to do what they wanted and to go where they wanted and passed it all up to care for their invalid son for fifty four years. It is a story of love, dedication and sacrifice, and the belief in God, Jesus Christ, and the Church, that lead my family and those who came in contact with James to witness The Miracle of James.

How often do we pass a special needs child or adult on the street with their family helping them and our hearts go out to them. Many times we donate to charities associated with their medical or mental condition. But how often do we think about the lives of the families that live with this special needs person. My story is about my brother who was injured at birth resulting in hydrocephalus , for which there was no cure in 1949, causing total paralysis and remaining 100% dependent on my mom and dad and his sisters and me for his daily survival. A story of how all our lives centered on his happiness, and what was required of the family to keep him alive for 54 years. A story of how while living flat on his back he never had a bed sore, never aspirated when being fed his daily meals by spoon, and never cried after his baby brother was born and brought home from the hospital and laid on his belly. A story of how he affected all those who came in contact with him and held his velvety hand and left feeling peace, comfort and hope. A story of dedication by his parents, who had the financial means to do what they wanted and go where they wanted and passed it all up to care for their son. It is a story of miracles. It is my story of the Miracle of James
About the author
Bill Anzalone is the managing partner of Anzalone&Doyle Trial Lawyers located in northeastern Pennsylvania, He has been the recipient of many national and state trial lawyer honors. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Tina and they are the proud parents of Jamie and Alana who are lawyers that practice with him and his son Bill Jr. a practicing forensic psychologist. This is the second book bill has authored , the first "So You Want To Be A Plaintiff's Trial Lawyer "served as an enjoyable read for the young aspiring trial lawyer.

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