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Book details
  • SubGenre:Healing / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:333
  • eBook ISBN:9780966199055

The Healing Dimensions

Resolving Trauma in Body, Mind and Spirit

by Brent Baum

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In his first book, The Healing Dimensions, Brent Baum reveals his discovery of the key principles contributing to the resolution of memory-based pain in the bodymind. Much that we label illness, depression, anxiety, migraine, illness, and chronic pain finds its origins in memory. Originally developed as a relapse prevention strategy to help those with addictions, the effectiveness of “Holographic Memory Resolution®” drew the attention of leaders in the fields of addictions treatment and Integrative Medicine. Recognizing HMR as a breakthrough in the “emotional reframing” of stress and trauma, Brent was invited to develop the trauma program at Cottonwood Treatment Centers in New Mexico and Arizona. This bridged into his involvement with Oklahoma City Bombing rescue personnel and survivors, as well as the staff of TWA Flight 800 and many other traumas of the last two decades. His success in helping to resolve memory-based pain led to his affiliation with the Integrative Wellness programs of Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona and at Miraval in Northwest Tucson, AZ. In this work, Brent focuses on his discoveries in the fields of Somatic and Energy Psychology that help to resolve the multidimensional impact of addiction, abuse, and trauma on the psyche. The first half of the book focuses on the principles and strategies that can be employed to free us from memory-based constraints of trauma, pain, abuse, and addiction. The second half of the book focuses on the spiritual impact of trauma and the internal fragmentation that results. He shares with us principles for the reclamation of our integrity after the alienation that accompanies trauma induction. This work is particularly helpful for children of alcoholics and those impacted by addiction. The hallmark of Brent’s work is the empowerment of the healer we hold within.
In his first book, The Healing Dimensions, Brent reveals his discovery of the principles of “Holographic Memory Resolution®” — a breakthrough in the “emotional reframing” of stress and trauma, which led to his involvement with Oklahoma City Bombing rescue personnel and survivors, as well as the staff of TWA Flight 800 and many other traumas of the last two decades. His success in helping to resolve memory-based pain led to his affiliation with the Integrative Wellness programs of Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona and at Miraval in Northwest Tucson, AZ. In this work, Brent focuses on his discoveries in the fields of Somatic and Energy Psychology that help to resolve the multidimensional impact of addiction, abuse, and trauma on the psyche. The first half of the book focuses on the principles and strategies that can be employed to free us from memory-based constraints of trauma, pain, abuse, and addiction. The second half of the book focuses on the spiritual impact of trauma and the internal fragmentation that results. One of the greatest breakthroughs in the fields of psychology and integrative medicine came with the discovery by David Grove, a psychologist from New Zealand, that the bodymind pauses perception protectively at the millisecond prior to overwhelm. This moment involves the pausing of feelings and physiology at the instant of overwhelm and creates “state-dependent” memory – trapping us in the pain of the past. Faced with the frustration of seeing his clients relapsing and suffering over such memory-based imprinting, Brent’s work was developed as an effort to resolve these powerful memory triggers. In this work Brent relates how trauma from family, educational, and religious systems can contribute to the induction of shame and trauma. Trauma impacts the psyche by “alienating the self from the self.” In the experience of dissociation, much energy is lost. While “guilt” for actions refers to the five percent moral, rational mind and the breach of moral principles, “shame” impacts us more profoundly by causing an actual split in consciousness, a “dissociation” that occurs on the order of being and is imprinted in the ninety-five percent subconscious mind. When there is a stand-off between the conscious and subconscious minds, the subconscious nearly always wins! Hence, the imprinting of trauma profoundly impacts our self-worth, decision-making, capacity to focus in relationships and at work, and our sense of connection to the spiritual. In his effort to resolve the memory triggers that foster pain and relapse, Brent discovered that color, as the primary language of the child used for emotional imprinting, speaks eloquently to both hemispheres of the brain and could be used to “prove safety” to the bodymind. “HMR” was developed, therefore, not to change the past, but simply to prove to the cells and fields of the bodymind that we need be no longer trapped in the images and stored physiology of the past. Our invitation, therefore, is to become mindful of the somatic cues and triggers that pull us out of “present-time” awareness where health and focus are optimized, and to reframe those experiences that are seizing control of our lives. Utilizing HMR with various addicted populations led to the shocking discovery that the majority of migraines and stress-induced pain could be diminished and, at times, resolved with the successful reframe of the original scene and any additional scenes that reinforced the imprinting. Brent travels internationally and is viewed as one of the pioneers in the Somatic and Energy Psychology fields due to his innovations in the treatment of trauma and memory-based pathologies. He believes that much that is labeled “depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and disorder” finds its origins in memory and can often be diminished or addressed with effective reframing techniques that establish safety in the bodymind. The hallmark of Brent’s work is the empowerment of the healer we hold within.
About the author
Brent M. Baum, STB, SSL, CADC, LISAC, CCH is an interdisciplinary specialist in spirituality, trauma, and addictions. He has served as a Catholic priest, an archaeologist in the Near East, a professor at Notre Dame Seminary, and as Clinical Director of Cottonwood Treatment Centers in New Mexico and Arizona. Brent completed his post-graduate training in theology at the Gregorian University in Rome, Italy and the Pontifical Biblical Institutes in Rome and Jerusalem. His sub-specialization in archaeology led to his active involvement in excavation in Southern Israel from 1979-1992. Brent’s pastoral counseling training evolved into strategies for relapse prevention, focusing on the treatment of addictions. His development of “Holographic Memory Resolution®” drew the attention of leading addictionologists and relapse prevention specialists and led to further involvement in the field of addictions treatment. His innovative approach was developed initially as an effort to address his clients’ abuse of and excessive dependency upon medications, particularly those that are routinely used to treat memory-based pain and anxiety. His techniques led to his involvement with the rescue personnel and survivors of the Oklahoma City Bombing and September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. He was asked to present his work to the Human Resources department of TWA upon the crash of Flight 800 in New York and has trained therapists involved with many of the traumatic events of the last two decades. Brent is a Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor and a Clinical Hypnotherapist. He is the author of: “The Healing Dimensions: Resolving Trauma in Body, Mind and Spirit,” “Living as Light: The Awakening of Mystical Consciousness,” and “Surviving Trauma School Earth: A Practical Guide to Emotional Survival on the Earth Plane” (2013). Brent is also the developer of Holographic Memory Resolution®, an “emotional reframing” technique that helps to resolve the emotional and physical pain states attached to stress, trauma, and any form of memory or event-based pathology. He has worked with over twenty thousand trauma survivors and, due to his innovations in the treatment of trauma, was offered the position as clinical director of Cottonwood Treatment Center in Los Lunas, New Mexico in 1993. Upon merging with the Tucson facility in 1994 he became co-clinical director and coordinator of the trauma program and remained there until he was invited to bring his work to “Miraval” in Northwest Tucson in 2000. While at Cottonwood, his work led to affiliation with the Integrative Medicine Program of Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona, which continued with Dr. Weil’s Integrative Wellness Program at Miraval. HMR is a gentle, emotional reframing process that combines Somatic, Energy, and Color psychologies. This gentle non-abreactive (not re-living the event) approach empowers individuals to establish “proof of safety” in the bodymind at the point where the psyche stored pain and tension at the moment(s) of overwhelm. The pain which creates such “state-dependent” memory can be physical or emotional in origin, but can often be diminished or resolved by addressing the imprinting in both the cells and meridians of the bodymind. His discovery of a memory-access point at Cervical Vertebra-7 (C-7) and use of the primary language of color enable the complex mapping and address of many forms of memory-based pathology. Much that we label “migraine” or “chronic pain” finds its origin in memory and can be addressed by speaking effectively to the ninety-five percent subconscious mind which holds the memory intact. Psychologists, social workers, nurse practitioners, physicians, psychiatrists, neurologists, addictions counselors, chiropractors and acupuncturists, professional counselors, marriage and family therapist and educators have integrated HMR into their practices. The hallmark of HMR is the empowerment of the client’s own “Healer Within.”