The Ever After Life of the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales explores the continuous presence of the Brothers Grimm stories, which began in 1812 and continue on to the present and most likely, the future. These stories live on through two different natures. A traditional nature presents itself through translations emerging from various editors of the original Kinder und Hausmärchen and analogous retellings. The second nature of these tales breaks the boundaries of the original and encompasses countless literary forms and styles, unique art, a variety of cultures and languages, performing arts, and even contemporary media. These works reimagine, recreate, and reflect society's values and attitudes. The first nine chapters of this book examine how Grimm tales permeate our world. The final chapter examines the trends and changes found in these stories from the early editions to the present. Grimm tales may have changed externally, but internally they continue to address the issues as predators, desertion, envy, sibling rivalry, betrayal, and injustice, but not without the enduring element of hope.