The Dog and His Boy is a tale of friendship narrated by a small Jack Russell dog named Nugget. Nugget's love for his two-legged best friend, Ignatius, leads him on a mission to become Ignatius' guide dog. This is a job typically reserved for a much larger dog, such as a Golden Retriever or a German Shepherd. His persistence and determination are endearing, quite humorous, and sometimes lead to mayhem. Nugget will not let another dog help themself to his best friend.
This children's book is an educational tool, teaching lessons of loyalty, resolve, and empathy, and is filled with rich vocabulary and definitions to enhance language skills.
This book is the second for author, Regina Mullen, following the publication of My Sixth Sense. She is hoping to ignite discussions around children with disabilities and give perspective to their non-disabled peers. Both books explore ideas such as learning to laugh at yourself, differentiating little deals from big deals, and creating healthy self-concepts.
Throughout her life, Regina struggled with Stargardt Disease, which causes significant visual impairment. This was instrumental in her career choice. She worked as a school psychologist in the public school system for fourteen years working with children from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade.
She earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Temple University, as well as a Master's degree and an Educational Specialist's degree in School Psychology from Florida State University.