“The Divine Plan and the Destiny of Mankind” is compiled from lectures given by Imre Vallyon to his students at a retreat in Stapelage, Germany in August 2001. This comprehensive and inspiring book explains the nature of the Cosmos, Planet Earth, human beings, and the spiritual evolution of all three. It includes essential esoteric knowledge about The Divine Plan, the Spiritual Sun, the Way of the Heart, the Cosmic Christ, Mantra, Karma, Kundalini, reincarnation, thought-power, psychism, healing, the art of dying, the Piscean Age, education, and the future. “The goal for each of you in this School, therefore, is first of all to get knowledge about these things, and secondly, through the spiritual practices, to balance yourself so that you can still live in the material world and enjoy the material conditions but at the same time live as a divine being who has been sent to this Earth to do a job, purposefully and with self-directed intelligence.”