Self publishing a book can be a truly rewarding and magical experience, especially if you follow a good plan. Self-publishing will allow you to retain more rights over the final product, offer the product at a substantially lower cost, and if you understand the fine print, give you an outlet to do traditional marketing and advertising yourself. Self-publishing is a great option to get your book out there.
You have to be prepared; self-publishing takes a lot of initiative and drive. It is your passion, and I know this because you wouldn’t be reading this right now if this was not true. This passion will see you through the frustrations that you will most certainly acquire along the way. That being said, self-publishing can be an exciting, magical, truly rewarding, and profitable venture if it is all done right.
The information within is provided in good faith, as a general guide for new authors. This guide is written in simple language to sut a wide reading audience. The contents have been lovingly composed by Love of Books staff who have spent many years working within the publishing industry.