Written in English and Spanish, in large print, and beautifully illustrated by Han Dinh, this is the tale of two LEPIDOPTERA, a butterfly named SUNSHYNE and a moth named MOONLYGHT. In this mishmash of creative non-fiction, and easy reader "format", for 2nd through 5th graders and ESL students, they (the butterfly and the moth-that is) experience a world of climate change and global warming. They face adverse climate conditions that no insect on this earth should have to contend with!!!
The book includes a glossary and sources of information about lepidoptera for readers in both languages. For an extra fee activity pages and/or a pack of Zinnia seeds, can be sent to interested parties by contacting the Author. Ask me about CATERPILLER/CATERPILLAR....
For anyone interested in Science, Nature/Entomology (bugs), danger, suspense and humor, this is the perfect book!