About the author
A Canadian author and composer, Luigi Monteferrante was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec. Besides short stories published in Chicago Quarterly Review, Happy, Taylor Trust; his poems have appeared in:
Quills Canadian Poetry, Fractions, Neon, Forma Fluens, Poesia/Indiana Bay, Motel 58, Word Slaw, poetryfriends, kudos, Sonar 4, Poet’s Ink Review, The Battered Suitcase/Vagabondage Press, Twisted Tongue, Danse Macabre, Language & Culture, Kritya, Burst Now, Yellow Mama, greenbeard, Glass Poetry Journal, Wow, Orbis, Faraway Journal, riverbabble, Blueprint Review, Unheard Magazine, Toucan, Accenti, Sex & Murder, Sparkbright, Record, Valent Range, Skive Magazine, A Propos, Gloom Cupboard, Montreal Serai.
His first novel, At the Hearth of the Devil's Lair, was described as "...heavily imbued with allusion, stream of consciousness, and musicality, Monteferrante's prose carries the reader throughout the narrative with skillful ease... A definitive Canadian ouevre, it exemplifies a labyrinthine take of love, reconnection, and composition, much like the famed Devil's Lair in the novel." Review by Matthew Masucci, Florida English. Novel published by Tomato, 2002. Available at amazon.com
Discography: www.cdbaby.com/Artist/GangofTolstoy
Luigi studied Social Sciences and Classics. He lives in Vasto Marina, Italy where, of late, he has been writing plays, most notably: The Thing About Love, a one-act play on the ballistics of love, which premiered at Pete's Candy Store in Williamsburg, New York, on 3 May 2011.