One icy Christmas eve with the electricity out a father tells his children the story of Steve, the ghost that haunted their house. Steve never learned how to love having grown up without a brother, without a sister, without a mother or a father. Because Steve had no one to teach him about giving he thought life was all about getting. When Steve grew up he was very good at getting things, but he did a lot of bad things to get them. Steve bought the biggest house in town. He died a short time after, but due to all the bad things he had done he could not get into Heaven. Steve was sent back to Earth to haunt his house. Steve was a very good ghost, that is he was very good at scaring people away from his house. At last a young woman refused to be scared away. This was very humiliating for a terrible ghost like Steve, but with the help of the young woman and her family Steve discovers the secret of Christmas and finds family, love, redemption, and, finally, a new life.