About the author
David R Williams is an award-winning Salesman and Team Leader. His ability to communicate objectives, motivate and mentor with humor and common sense has proven effective in coaching and encouraging others to strive for success. He has climbed the corporate ladders in roles of Senior Sales Representative, District Sales Manager, Vice President of Sales and President/Owner of his own company. He is a poet, songwriter, musician, open water diver, motorcycle enthusiast, licensed Ham and GMRS radio operator, architectural coatings formulator and most importantly a family man. His ability to relate to others with down to earth humility, modesty, quick wit and imagination has been an asset in resolving sales objections and difficult to overcome situations. All of which has afforded him many enduring lifelong relationships and friendships. He is Six Sigma trained as a Certified Green Belt and is proficient at cutting to the chase reducing waste to streamline processes. With skills honed through-out his professional career that he calls his personal treasure trove of knowledge, he now wants to share the wealth of all he has learned in writing, Selling The Salesman.