About the author
Dan Feltham is retired and living the quiet life in Southern California with his loving wife. Together, they have three sons. Dan is a graduate Geologist from Stanford University. After working several years in North Africa in exploration he switched disciplines and pursued an extensive career with the IBM Corporation, including several years each in Hawaii, Southeast Asia, the Marshall Islands, Saudi Arabia and Long Beach, CA. He has enjoyed international travel as well as owned and raced sailboats most of his life. He is the author of six e-Pub novels, Tradewinds Calling, The Catalina Connection, Mount Rushmore’s Legacy, The Edge of Time, the San Diego County award winner Terror in the Gulf and his latest romance/adventure novel, Mexican Standoff.
As background material for sailing episodes within his books, Dan can refer to multiple bareboat cruising charters in the Caribbean, Tahiti and Fiji waters and fifty years of enthusiastic racing in Hawaii and Southern California. Dan recently self published a non-fiction account of his personal Vietnam war experiences entitled, When Big Blue Went To War, the History of the IBM Corporation’s Mission in Southeast Asia During the Vietnam War. The book has been praised by many as a one of a kind look at war from the civilian contractor’s different point of view. Dan can be reached via e-mail at danfeltham77@gmail.com, and/or his web pages - www.dansstories.com.