Lisa Frederiksen has 40+ years of personal experience with secondhand drinking, a concept she first introduced in 2009. Working to overcome its impact, she's spent the last 16 years studying and simplifying the newest brain and scientific research on topics related to those experiences. These topics include alcoholism, drug addiction, alcohol and other drug use disorders, mental illness, co-occurring disorders, the family member's experience, toxic stress, adverse childhood experiences, codependency, brain development, and childhood trauma.
Lisa founded in 2008 to change, and in some cases simply start, the conversations on these topics. She has appeared as an expert guest on a variety of television, radio, and Internet radio programs, as well as authoring hundreds of blog posts and articles for other publications. She is a nationally-recognized keynote speaker with over 30 years' public speaking experience, and the author of twelve books, including Loved One In Treatment? Now What! and Secondhand Drinking: The Phenomenon That Affects Millions. She consults with individuals, families, and organizational clients throughout the United States and from as far away as Kenya, Mexico, and Ireland.
For more about Lisa Frederiksen, visit and
Updated August 2019