Imagine a public speaking guide that clearly explains what works...and what does not. In Presentation Excellence, veteran public speaker, presenter, and trainer, Carlton C. Casler, shares 30+ years of experience with speakers of all levels. Unlike so many how-to books designed only to inspire, this book stands alone as a practical, user-friendly guide that offers precise instructions on what to do before, during, and after the presentation.
This book includes 25 Tips: 15 for ALL speakers and 10 specifically for speakers who use some type of presentation software (i.e., PowerPoint, KeyNote, etc.). All speakers will learn: (1) the two step process that will improve every presentation, (2) how to learn from the "masters" and from the "duds," (3) the four step process that all professional speakers use to handle questions from the audience, and (4) the benefits to be reaped by doing an "After Action Report." These are just 4 of the first 15 techniques.
Speakers who use presentation software will learn: (1) how to make your "Break Slide" and/or a "Lunch Slide" come up exactly on time, every time - no exceptions, (2) how to create a "Reference Slide" and, most importantly, how to navigate to it and then jump back to your presentation in just two clicks, and (3) how to modify your presentation (for the better) during the presentation (yes, that is possible). These are just 3 of the 10 presentation software tricks.
From first tip to last, this guide is designed for one purpose only: to take speakers and their presentations to a higher and more successful level – to presentation excellence.