A passionate pilgrimage as he shares his personal, pro- fessional, and heartfelt thoughts as well as emotional experiences of being a brown-skinned janitor and an eighth grade dropout in America. The author high- lights his personal encounters with racism, disrespect, classism, bigotry, stereotypes, and the ideology of "white privilege."
He eloquently establishes the fact that there's no cul- ture among skin colors.
He's comprehensively, both powerful and purposeful, with his attempt at annihilating the ignorance of solely "listening to" skin colors as hues offer no choice and no voice. In turn, the writer makes a sincere appeal to the cerebral sensibilities of the readers, challenging them to stand up to the harbors of racism, disrespect, bigotry, and the false ideology of the white privilege. With the precision of a professional archer, he strikes a myriad of human emotions while summoning the critical duty for all of humanity. At the same time he infuses bits of his signature humor to connect to readers. A passionate pilgrimage as he shares his personal, pro- fessional, and heartfelt thoughts as well as emotional experiences of being a brown-skinned janitor and an eighth grade dropout in America. The author high- lights his personal encounters with racism, disrespect, classism, bigotry, stereotypes, and the ideology of "white privilege."
He eloquently establishes the fact that there's no cul- ture among skin colors.
He's comprehensively, both powerful and purposeful, with his attempt at annihilating the ignorance of solely "listening to" skin colors as hues offer no choice and no voice. In turn, the writer makes a sincere appeal to the cerebral sensibilities of the readers, challenging them to stand up to the harbors of racism, disrespect, bigotry, and the false ideology of the white privilege. With the precision of a professional archer, he strikes a myriad of human emotions while summoning the critical duty for all of humanity. At the same time he infuses bits