Widower and acoustic engineer Ken Easton has retreated
to his beautiful home by the sea south of Carmel, California. He spends his time developing earthquake damage detectors for buildings and courting death in the wild surf below his cliff-side home. He has found peace, if not happiness since his wife and baby boy died in an unfortunate car accident.
Then a high-stakes poker game in Las Vegas starts a chain of events with immense impact on his life. The ownership of the lot next door to his finds its way into the hands of a sociopath with the turn of a card. The chain of events following threatens to destroy all Ken has left to love.
“The setting descriptions in this gripping and unusual mystery are dead on. The characters are believable and unusual. The plot rushes to an end filled with surprises and revelations at every turn. The story is told through the eyes of a psychologist who chronicles events in the
form of a dramatic report—a most unusual device, yet it works. We rated this book four hearts.”
Bob Spear, Heartland Reviews, Leavenworth, Kansas