Imagine a world where Dr. Martin Luther King never existed.
In this universe skin color determines your influence and your children's very future. But the Honorable Minister Kublai Khan dreams of a world that people can live in without preconceived notions, prejudice and domination. The minister goes to the nation's capital to fight for justice.
Kimberly Solberg, a Valley Girl, goes to Juarez to find her roots. When she returns, she connects with Ahmed who is the minister's driver. Ahmed falls in love with Kimberly and doesn't care that she is bi-racial. Their lives ultimately intertwine in Los Angeles where they battle a racist, murdering white supremacist, Pastor Tucker Dalton, for the lives of their mixed-race children. Mixed Blessings. Is Race Real? is a fast-paced contemporary fictional tale about how women of color look beyond race, riots, and religion in relationships.