This book is just what the doctor ordered. It is medicinal. It is a prescription in literary form that won't feel good to some readers, just as some brands of medicine don't taste good to the recipient. However, it is what they need if they hope to ever liberate themselves from the debilitating ties that bind called misery. And this type of misery is multi-faceted. It comes in various shapes and sizes, and is usually in the form of a person or people who wreak from the stench of Unresolved Grief. Misery and the Company it Keeps pulls back the social curtain to put on full display the behaviors, attitudes, and mentalities that are nothing short of injurious to all who are caught with their guard down; as well as to those who are in denial about the unhealthy condition of the culture of emotional and psychological vampires they keep company with. Craig Samuels, in an unapologetic fashion, brilliantly brings to the forefront of our realities, the often ignored and swept under the rug of generational secrecy, traumas and dysfunction that have plagued our lives from the time we were born to the present. Unbeknownst to many of us, we are either keeping company with misery, or we ourselves are the company that misery loves to keep.