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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Women
  • Language:English
  • Series title:The Garden Key Tales
  • Series Number:2
  • Pages:305
  • eBook ISBN:9781483517575

Mind over Madeleine

Companion Novel to The Garden Key

by Angela Dolbear

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MIND OVER MADELEINE, is a story of fear and love, and the one perfect love that casts out all fear. This companion novel to THE GARDEN KEY, is a tale of fear, forgiveness and the Loch Ness Monster. Madeleine's new adult genre story is a can’t-put-down, laugh-out-loud, multiple-tissues tale of a self-professed “lust-o-holic.”


The mind of Madeleine is filled with fear. Fear of not being a good enough wife to Peter, her beloved gorgeous professional musician husband of less than one year. She is consumed with the fear of not being pretty enough for him, and the fear of another woman taking her place, particularly by one of the super model-esque groupies who hang around the band. Maddy navigates life on tour with Peter’s successful band with humor, faith and prayer, but inside she is shaking in her black and white creepers.

When Peter is called away to record in Nashville, thousands of miles away from their cozy modest home in Southern California, Maddy’s fears begin to morph into loneliness. A sentiment she shares with her purple-haired dear friend, Lydia, whose husband, Caleb, is the band’s drummer, and who has joined Peter in Nashville to lend his talents to the project. While Peter is away, the opportunity to fulfill one of her greatest dreams—to write and publish a book—falls into her lap. But Maddy’s fear and loneliness leave her open to travel down a road she never imagined she would take, and trick her into justifying her surrender to temptation.

Will Maddy survive this adventure and come away with her life intact? Will she be able to survive the unimaginable event that could take Peter, the love her life, away from her forever?  Don’t miss this New Adult genre can’t-put-down, laugh-out-loud, multiple-tissues novel of a self-professed “lust-o-holic.”

About the author

With much divine prompting, singer/songwriter and author Angela Dolbear sat down at her computer night after night in her cozy modest home in Austin, Texas, faithfully flanked by her golden retriever, to write her latest New Adult genre novel, MIND OVER MADELEINE – a tale of fear, forgiveness, and the Loch Ness Monster. MIND OVER MADELEINE is the companion novel to THE GARDEN KEY – a tale of lust, redemption, and really good cheeseburgers, which was released in 2010 to rave reviews and emotional spent readers.

Angela was born and raised in Southern California where she graduated from Biola University with a degree in Communication, with a Journalism emphasis. Currently, she leads worship with her husband Tim, at Northwest Fellowship in Austin, Texas. The couple also writes, records, and performs original adult contemporary music as child of the Son.

“I didn’t set out in life to be a writer, much less a novelist. I’m a musician, singer, and published songwriter with three albums of original material released,” Angela says. Her music has achieved radio airplay in Southern California’s massive Orange County market.

“I’ve always been drawn to stories, being an avid fiction reader for as long as I can remember. Consequently, writing prose has been the natural progression from songwriting for me,” Angela says. “Maybe moving to Texas had something to do with it. It’s pretty warm in the summer here, so staying cool in the A/C and writing a novel seemed like a good idea. That’s my story and sticking to it.”

To learn more, please visit her website, www.TheGardenKey.com or www.CloudPillarPublishing.com for book and music information. Email: angela@cloudpillarpublishing.com.