For over 20 years, Microsoft has made professional project management tools available to the masses through the Microsoft Project desktop application and the Project Portfolio Management (PPM) tools Project Online and Project Server. Continuing the tradition started by msProjectExperts many years ago, the latest version of this "blue book" lays out everything a project manager needs to know to effectively use Microsoft Project with either Project Online or Microsoft Project Server 2019.
Beginning with an overview of Microsoft's project management tools, Managing Enterprise Projects: Using Project Online and Microsoft Project Server 2019 follows the normal project management life cycle of Defining, Planning, Executing, and Controlling to show you how to effectively use these tools at each step of the cycle. It contains a generous number of Best Practice notes to provide you with our recommendations for best uses of the tools based on our years of field experience. Armed with this book, you will become more effective at using Microsoft Project and the Microsoft PPM tools.