About the author
Award winning, Great Lakes author Janie Lynn Panagopoulos is a historian who shares her love of the subject with readers both young and young-at-heart. Writing professionally for over 34 years, Janie’s passion lies in detailed historical research where she spends three to eight years searching academic facts in libraries, museums, and archives worldwide, to help bring history alive for her readers.
Other Books by J.L. Panagopoulos: Traders in Time, Journey Back to Lumberjack Camp, Erie Trail West, North to Iron Country, Train to Midnight, Runes of Isle Royale, Calling the Griffin, Madame Cadillac's Ghost, Little Ship Under Full Sail, Mark of the Bear Claw, A Faraway Home: An Orphan Train Story, Castle at the Straits, A Place Called Home
Author Contact: River Road Publications riverroadpublications@gmail.com