About the author
Award winning, Great Lakes author Janie Lynn Panagopoulos is a historian who shares her love of the subject with readers both young and young-at-heart
Writing professionally for over 34 years, Janie’s passion lies in detailed historical research where she spends three to eight years researching academic facts in libraries, museums, and archival collections worldwide, to help bring history alive for her readers. However, she does not stop with the academic viewpoint, dressing in period costume of the era she is studying. She tries to experience what it might be like to live the life of those she is learning about. Whether it is drudging through the snow on snowshoes or following behind a dog sled, trekking along a military supply road in a wagon train, cooking over wood stoves or an open fire to experiment with historic recipes, cutting down trees, milking cows and learning the jobs of the lumberjacks, hiking ancient trails, canoeing thousands of miles along fur trade routes, studying with traditional Native Americans, or participating in archaeological digs, she had done it all. Her research model is not just to read about the past but experience it both physically and emotionally, to help bring history alive in her writing.