About the author
Charles M. Iker, LCSW, BCD, ACSW has thirty-five years of extensive education and experience in psychotherapy. As a father and a therapist who went through divorce, and who watched the emotional impact it had on his child and stepson, he conceived and wrote "Little Fergen's Fish Feelings" in hopes of helping other children through the trauma of separation and divorce.
He underwent graduate training at Syracuse University - Falk School of Social Work, in the program focused on child and family studies. During his many years of professional practice, he became interested in clinical hypnosis and underwent training with the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). This led to advanced master class training in New York City with the renowned Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD. He also studies Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) while pursuing advanced training working with dissociation as a function of trauma. The training in hypnosis and EMDR led to his intensive training with The Trauma Center, a program established and run by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.
Find out more about him at www.cmipsychotherapy.com.