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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Christian Theology / History
  • Language:English
  • Pages:212
  • eBook ISBN:9781483537870

Joan of Arc and the God of the Bible

That Witch That Wasn't

by Chris Snidow

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Editorial Review: "Excellent work; nothing like it! Very interesting; FIVE stars (out of five). Having been an admirer of Joan of Arc for many years, this book interested me. I have seen no others like it. Excellent study of Joan in relationship to the Bible. He makes a very strong case for her being sent by God, using frequent Bible quotations to make his points. Easy to read and keeps your attention. Well researched, and written. If you are interested in either Joan or God, then I HIGHLY recommend this book." ReviewScout.co.uk, an English book review organization From the Author: For those looking for tangible and documented proof of the existence of God, Joan of Arc provides us a unique example. Of course, ultimately, we all make our own decisions about this. We can't put God in a test tube, and in the final analysis, it is God Himself who opens our eyes and hearts to Him. But having said that, her case should give us a great deal to think about and reflect on.
Joan of Arc... Witch? Saint? Agent of the devil? Holy warrior? Accused of being the devil’s pawn in 1430, Joan of Arc was eventually burned at the stake for witchcraft. But was she really a witch? At seventeen years of age, she remains the youngest supreme military commander (male or female) in history, and the most attested person up to the sixteenth century. Her well documented accomplishments are universally accepted. Her story attracts Protestants, Catholics, and non-believers alike. But HOW was she able to save France during the 15th century? After all, women’s rights weren’t exactly in the forefront at that time. For Joan, the answer was never complicated. She was sent by God. And not just any god, but the God of the Bible. Could this really be true? If so, then there is much to learn from her story. In Joan of Arc and the God of the Bible-THE WITCH THAT WASN'T, author Chris Snidow examines the many parallels and similarities between Joan and the prophet/saints of the Bible, providing striking and undeniable evidence between these powerful witnesses for God. Her prayer-centered life, humble spirit, interactions with God's messengers, bold actions, love of God, unlikely but consistently fulfilled prophesies…these are all traits seen in the great prophet/saints of Scripture. Joan was the game-changer of her time and place, and after her, France would forever be free of the English, and take its influential place in European history. People have wrestled with the supernatural aspects of Joan of Arc’s case for centuries. But here and now, during this time of increasing New Age spirituality, Mr. Snidow’s scripturally based examination reveals Joan as a powerful witness for the Triune God of the Bible. She was the witch that wasn’t! This book first appeared in 2006 under the title Joan of Arc and the God of the Bible. A French version followed in 2009. In 2013, the Revised and Expanded Edition came out, full of numerous additional quotes, examples, references and information. Now this 2014 edition, The Witch That Wasn't, provides still more relevant and new information, along with a number of other improvements. And as with the previous editions, the never-ending attempt to make the final manuscript as reader-friendly as possible remains a primary goal.
About the author
"Chris Snidow brings to life Joan of Arc's story in an unprecedented and original way...not only is it an in depth study of Joan of Arc, but also one on both the New and the Old Testaments." Marie Veronique Clin, co-author with the great French historian, Regine Pernoud, of Joan of Arc-Her Story. Mr. Snidow, along with his wife Catherine, has been leading Joan of Arc pilgrimages to France since 2001. He is author of several articles on Joan of Arc and the God of the Bible published by The Dallas Morning News, Esprit, The Epistle, and others. The first edition of this book was published in English in 2006, and then in French in 2009. Aided by some of the leading Joan of Arc experts in both France and the United States, he has studied the life and times of Joan of Arc for many years. A professional musician, he founded Biblical Sound Pictures in 1985, and has since released six musical CDs with Biblical themes, currently available in Holland, France, England, Canada, Australia, the United States and many websites throughout the world. 'Daughter of God'/Joan of Arc, a musical study of Joan of Arc, was released in 2004 to much critical acclaim. Joan of Arc, Prophecy and the God of the Bible, released in 2008, was specifically composed for the Sound and Light Spectacle performed in the Saint Joan of Arc Basilica of Domremy, France in 2007. A DVD slide show based on this was released in both French and English in 2011. Chris and Catherine, live in Dallas, Texas and are active members of Prestonwood Baptist church.