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Book details
  • SubGenre:Curricula
  • Language:English
  • Series title:A Journey to the Soul of Autism
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:52
  • eBook ISBN:9781543931280
  • Paperback ISBN:9781543931273

I Am David, A Journey to the Soul of Autism

by Michelle Babitz and Robin Trigg

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"I Am David, A Journey to the Soul of Autism" is the first book in a series, "A Journey to the Soul of Autism". It is a collection of case studies of autistic children and adults that the authors have worked with over the last 20-40 years. The purpose of the book is to encourage a new understanding and perspective of those living with autism. That is a perspective of respect and including the person with autism as part of the educational and program development, regardless of their cognitive level or behavioral challenges. Our job is to read the verbal and non-verbal cues of our autistic brothers and sisters to discern the best practices and strategies in our attempt to help them become successful in their lives from childhood to adulthood.
The authors describe how they approach each individual on the autistic spectrum with no preconceived notions about who they are or what is "right" for them. The typical mind set of professionals is that we have the answers, tools and science to dictate what a child in school or adult are supposed to do. We introduce the idea that the person with autism has all the answers to what they need to regulate more successfully throughout their day and life. Our approach is to understand the individual on the spectrum of autism from within taking cues from their rituals, movements, verbal expression and passions. The most successful school setting is one that does not pre-determine a curriculum, but co-creates, with the child on the spectrum and their families, an educational program that includes the whole personality of the child, not just their behaviors. "If you focus on the autism, you can't see the person".
About the author

Michelle Babitz has worked with autistic children and adults for forty years and Robin Trigg for 20 years. Michelle was introduced to autism as a result of a High School project in 1977. She told the story of the "Little Red Hen" in sign language at a private school for children with autism. The moment she walked into the room, she knew she had found her calling. Her passion has been working with those on the more challenging end of the autism spectrum. Michelle and Robin have worked as a team for over 20 years and hope to bring new insights about autism to their readers.