Trying to make it in the music industry can be quite frustrating especially as an indie artist. Often you may get discouraged at some point. But some successful indie artists started this way too before getting successful, if they can do it, You can do it too. There has been a lot of changes in the music industry since the last ten years, the innovation of technology has brought about so many opportunities to indie artists, bring about what I will like to refer to as "overnight success stories", where an indie artist can just go viral through a video and their success story begins to form that. However, with overnight success stories like this, there are hundreds of thousands of independent artists trying to build a following online and offline with their music career so they also make a steady living from music. To be totally honest with you, with advanced technology available in present times that has made it possible for just any artist to share their talents with the world, there is a lot of competition for you. This E-Book will help you navigate.