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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Aging
  • Language:English
  • Pages:236
  • eBook ISBN:9781667888620
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667888613

How to Live Healthier & Happier & Longer in Retirement

8 Essential Pillars

by Brad Bickford BCD LCSW

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Do you want to experience retirement life to its fullest? Do you want to have more energy and find out what research says is the one thing that makes us the most happy? Brad Bickford, Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Social Work and retired psychotherapist of over 47 years of full-time practice shares with you the 8 essential pillars that contribute to a healthy and happy retirement life. These health pillars center around physical exercise, sleep, personal product usage, nutrition, social and communication, emotional, brain and spiritual components. Mr. Bickford, who also dabbled in stand-up comedy uses humor and fascinating facts to help you through this comprehensive book.
WHILE RETIREMENT CAN BE A TIME OF FREEDOM AND EXCITEMENT, IT IS ALSO FRAUGHT WITH MANY HEALTH CHANGES & EMOTIONAL CHALLENGES. Brad Bickford, Board Certified Diplomate and Licensed Clinical Social Worker shows us how to tackle the challenges of aging in retirement and identifies exactly what we can do to address them. Using research data and questionnaires & worksheets he discusses: • How to decide when one is ready to retire. • How to keep our brain's healthy and slow down a possible onset of dementia. • How critical exercise is, how often we need to do it, and specifically what kind. He shares why sitting too long for seniors can shorten their life. • How to improve your sleep and why sleep is essential for our health and happiness. • What research & science found about the importance of socializing to prevent emotional distress, premature dementia & mortality. • How everyday personal care products effect our body's health and longevity. • What specific communication skills are essential to enhance relationships. • How changing the way we think about something will improve our happiness. • How we have to eat more nutritionally as our aging body changes. • Having a purpose and spiritual focus is very helpful for our emotional well-being. • The importance of regular laughter & humor in our daily lives. • Fascinating physiological differences between Men & Women like which sex takes longer to digest the same meal? • And many relevant topics to seniors like sex, drinking, lessening anxiety, bolstering marriage happiness, what to do about aging body physiology changes, and how to deal with grief and loss.
About the author
Brad Bickford, BCD,LCSW is retired from full time psychotherapy practice with over 47 years of experience. He teaches an adult ed course on "How to Live healthier & Happier & Longer in Retirement" at American University's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute(OLLI) in Washington D.C. Brad lectures nationally to senior groups on this topic.