About the author
Sean has worked for several companies, both stateside and abroad in many different capacities in corporate development, marketing, sales and developing sustainable training programs for two of the largest financial institutions in the world. Along the journey, he also started companies, including Stealth Awareness, Inc., where he currently shares his positive message of personal growth and the creation of ideas.
Personal development has been a life long journey for Sean. Early on, Sean had the opportunity to spend time with Larry Wilson, Wilson Learning Corporation, Zig Ziglar, author and platform speaker, Bill Gove, the father of professional speaking, Bob Richards, U.S. Olympian, and other notables who helped set the tone and direction of his life. Additionally over the years, Sean has worked with some exceptional people, leaders in their field, who have taught him, as he says: “More than one could ever expect, and opened more doors than I could have ever imagined. To that I remain forever grateful.”
Holding the Moon in the Palm of Your Hand is Sean’s first book of poetry. “My wish is that each reader finds one nugget of gold in my poetry that allows them to become more today than they were yesterday. Then the effort to write my book is more than worth it!”