If God, Almighty truly "rested THE SEVENTH DAY" (KJV Exodus 20:11), and "was refreshed" (KJV Exodus 31:17) also on the seventh day, on what day would he have "blessed", and "hallowed", or "sanctified" THE SABBATH DAY? For these each are THE VERY SAME DAY. They are simply different ways to refer to ONE DAY. And whatever God did throughout one of these days must he also have done, and achieve on the other: If he "hallowed", "made holy", or "sanctified" "the sabbath day", likewise he did, and achieved on "the seventh day" (KJV Genesis 2:2-3). If God Almighty did "rest" on "the seventh day", he must have "rested" "the sabbath day" as well (KJV Genesis 2:2-3). Which he simply couldn't, and wouldn't have done. So LEARN WHAT GOD ACTUALLY DID THE SEVENTH DAY. Which explained completely is by this book: God Did Not Rest He Did Sanctify, by Godwin FitzSabbathby