This is the first book ever written that addresses ethics, legal issues, and risk management strategies in the practice of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Since EFT is an energy-based psychotherapy, coaching, and self-help technique based on the new emerging field of energy psychology, it is considered experimental by the mainstream health care industry, the legal system, licensing boards, and regulatory agencies. Consequently, all practitioners who use EFT whether licensed or non-licensed face significant legal risks. Therefore, this book also provides the reader with essential risk management strategies that can help protect an EFT practitioner from the potential legal liabilities inherent in offering an innovative approach like EFT.
Topics covered include, how EFT fits within the current legal and regulatory system that governs helping professionals, key ethical and legal principles, scope of practice with scenarios, informed consent, client agreements, legalities of marketing an EFT practice – websites, the sacred contract between practitioner and client, and archetypes as the guardians of the therapeutic relationship.