This is my fourth book, the second in the Ebloa Rage series. It continues Book I, in which a flu virus spontaneously evolves into a behavioral disposition called the Rage. Something unexpected comes From the Rage: an African Filo Virus nearly identical to the potent killer Ebola Zaire. Mick Delaney, the CEO of an internationally acclaimed Vaccine company, Immutrends, is attempting to design a vaccine to stop the advance of the Ebola Virus. While preparing for a deepening global pandemic, Mick's team designs an underground refuge called the Core, where he and up to 200 people can survive for as long as twenty years. Mick learns that a competitor, Morphgen, directed by its President, Frakes Reddick, might cause the viral outbreak. Book II, Trojan, provides the reader with new survival elements. There is something deadly about to happen. And it is being driven by a globalist cabal.