Deliverance is a subject every believer should understand and walk in. As we approach this subject, we do so with confidence, strength, dominion, and a willingness to learn. I do not have, nor should you have, a fascination with strangeness or darkness. Yet, I do have a desire to help people be free and be made whole. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
Matthew 8:16-17 When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.
It is interesting to note there were “many” who needed freedom. These scriptures indicate the ministry of deliverance is a part of our redemption. I cannot think of a more relevant message in our day - freedom from and dominion over the devil and demons. Seldom do we have any teaching in the church on this wonderful subject. Much of what I have heard others teach was either unscriptural or extreme. The Word of God is the only source of truth we need. If followed, we will have the same results Jesus had while in the earth. Jesus ministered deliverance in His ministry and He said the works He did, we will do also. (John 14:12)
Knowledge of the truth that is acted on always brings freedom. Once we know truth and act on it, it will produce deliverance. A lack of knowledge destroys people, but many times ignorance in this area, or refusing to believe it, will affect our children. (Hoses 4:6)
When Jesus talked about His anointing, He mentioned preaching deliverance to the captive as a part of what He was in the earth to do. (Luke 4:18) Luke says that God anointed Jesus to do good and to heal all that were oppressed of the devil. (Acts 10:38 AMP)
Jesus ministered to the harassed and oppressed “in particular”. The word “oppressed” means to be weighed down in mind or body. That is what the devil and demons try to do, weigh people down in mind or body so their minds or bodies are functioning incorrectly and having problems. Many times, what we thought was normal was not normal at all, but rather, the devil was working in the background – unseen but not unreal. (Colossians 1:16) Many have thought, or assumed, deliverance is mysterious, gothic, and superstitious. Actually, deliverance is at the core of the New Testament and a major part of Jesus’ ministry. We are told in scripture to follow His example and walk in His steps. Deliverance is just another form of healing. (Luke 7:21, 8:1-2)
You cannot force this ministry on anyone; people must desire to be free. You cannot kick out your friends! If someone does not want help or will not receive it, they are going to stay the same or get worse. The exception to this would be if the Holy Spirit moved on you to specifically minister to someone. You cannot think you will get everyone delivered just because you want them free. Some people don’t want deliverance and others don’t know it’s available. Like everything else, you must have faith to receive what is available. Faith comes by hearing the Word on this subject.
Hebrews 4:2 For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
In this instance, they heard the Word preached and faith came, yet they would not take hold of it and received no benefit. May the Lord help and enlighten all who are teachable to walk in this part of the Gospel. This area was not an addendum to the Gospel, but a central part of it. (Romans 15:19 AMP) Our redemption includes our authority over the devil and demons. We are in authority now.