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Book details
  • Genre:SCIENCE
  • SubGenre:Energy
  • Language:English
  • Pages:204
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667878751

Clean Energy Innovators: NREL People Working to Change the World

by Ernie Tucker

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Enter the code "NREL" to bring the price to $20 per book. This work is also available electronically at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at www.nrel.gov/publications.

Clean Energy Innovators: NREL People Working to Change the World draws upon author Ernie Tucker's profiles of National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) science researchers and staff to trace the development of clean energy technologies. Starting with the U.S. Department of Energy's launch of the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) in 1977, this book uses the words of NREL pioneers in wind energy, solar power, building efficiency, transportation and hydrogen breakthroughs, and bioenergy to describe scientists and supporters pursuing NREL's global clean energy mission. The book also relates the journeys and accomplishments of some outstanding NREL people who have excelled outside the lab in areas ranging from sports and adventures and global outreach to volunteerism and the arts. Clean Energy Innovators includes examples of diverse individuals who came from reservations, refugee camps, Iron Curtain countries, as well many regions on earth to further NREL's mission. Also profiled are NREL's former directors, along with past and present laboratory leaders, with an eye toward the future strategy to combat climate change. Filled with color photos, including many from NREL's archives, it is meant to inform and inspire the next generation of clean energy researchers as well as everyday citizens committed to saving the planet.


Clean Energy Innovators: NREL People Working to Change the World draws upon author Ernie Tucker's profiles of National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) science researchers and staff to trace the arc of the development of clean energy technologies. Starting with the U.S. Department of Energy's opening of the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) in 1977, this book uses the words of NREL pioneers in wind energy (described in the "Wild West of Wind" chapter), solar power "Sunny Days and Solar Ways" chapter), building efficiency ("Building a Building Legacy"), transportation ("Transportation Keeps on Rolling") and hydrogen breakthroughs, and bioenergy ("From Chainsaws to Chippers") as the scientists and supporters pursued NREL's global clean energy mission. Clean Energy Innovators also relates the journeys and accomplishments of some outstanding NREL people ("NREL Family") who have excelled outside the lab in areas ranging from sports and adventures and global outreach to volunteerism and the arts. This book includes select examples of diverse individuals who came from reservations, refugee camps, Iron Curtain countries as well as other regions of earth to further NREL's clean energy mission. Also profiled are NREL's former directors, along with past and present laboratory leaders, with an eye toward the future strategies to combat climate change. Filled with color photos, including many from NREL's archives, it is meant to inform and inspire the next generation of clean energy researchers as well as everyday citizens committed to saving the planet.

About the author
Ernie Tucker joined the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in 2009 as a writer and editor in the Communications Office. A graduate of Yale University, he has been a reporter and editor at a number of newspapers, including the Chicago Sun-Times and the Rocky Mountain News, as well as managing editor of Westword in Denver and multimedia producer at The Denver Post and KUSA-TV, Denver.