This in turn led her to many years of studying Nutrition, Anti-aging practices, Preventative Medicine, Psychology and more Holistic approaches for a healthy life. She was driven to find answers of WHY there was so much sickness, so much unhappiness.
In her 20‘s she worked with many Doctors and studied with Master Teachers of Therapeutic Massage, Yoga, Meditation and Spiritual Healing and was forever changed.
"People have described me as a person ahead of my time. It’s true, I have always felt and acted differently than most. A bit of a misfit growing up. Yet contrast and life experiences, whether positive or so called negative, has served me well, spurring me on to know without a shadow of a doubt that the Spirit of God lives through me.
"Traveling the world and living in exotic places has been a passion of Nina’s. Visiting places like China, Japan, Russia and many European countries. She has lived in Hawaii and Tahiti and the coast of Mexico, which were her favorites. As she loves spending most of her days swimming with dolphins, whales and little fishies!
“I've had many experiences of telepathic communic-ation with dolphins and whales. People too. And especially while I was pregnant the clarity and strength of our communication seemed more amplified. Being accepted into the “Pod Mind” was beyond amazing and undoubtedly helped me birth my three Daughters more consciously and with so much more Joy.
In addition to writing Fearless Birth & Beyond, Joyous Conscious Birth and a full time Mom and Teacher of her 3 Joys’ for 27 years, Nina has written 13 more books and recorded Guided Meditations, including one especially for pregnancy and joyful childbirth called; The Birth of your Dreams.
have personally experienced 3 fearless, super-conscious water births. To some it might seem very unconventional, yet it was perfect for us.
I believe that if your INTENTION is to have a fearless, painless birth experience… or anything else for that matter, YOU CAN!"
With Love and Birthing Blessings,
Nina Joy