Cor'Meum, an industrialized world, led by the guidance of technology, and by King Erebus. It has been claimed that magic is part of the past. Robotics and machinery fill their presence in the streets of Cor'Meum; machinery such as replacing lost limbs, robots that are helpers, and giant machine boats that soar in the sky. All of this makes it easy to forget about the ancient ways of magic. While the body of Cor'Meum and military KEEPIN (Keeping, Everlasting, Extravagant, Peace in the Nation) wants to forget about magic and move towards this modern industrialized world, it later becomes apparent that behind closed doors magic may be more involved with Cor'Meum than what the people are lead to believe.
A Pirates' Handbook to Magic is a coming-of-age story about transgressing away from nationalism and blind allegiance, and entering self-discovery. Oceana Sanford, throughout her whole life, has dedicated her allegiance to her country, Cor'Meum while growing up with her grandfather, a famous navy captain, or "Pirate." When her grandfather leaves unexpectedly, and on her own for the first time, she begins to discover the truth about Cor'Meum; a secret that the country desperately tries to hide. Setting out to find her missing grandfather, she begins to find herself.
Because Oceana Sanford was raised on a pirate ship, she is trained in the art of sword fighting, a skill that saves her life from her enemies throughout the book. She uses her sword to escape dangerous situations and to fight those who want her dead. Oceana's talent for sword fighting has even proven to be a threat to her old rival, The King's daughter Aster Rosario.
Despite being discouraged by her seeming inability to perform magic, Oceana can't help but want to learn about the hidden world of magic. After taking her grandfather's personal handbook on magic, and discovering its use of it up close, Oceana's love for magic and desire to learn magic grows. Oceana along with the readers will learn about the system of magic the world has to offer and the personality types that fit with each set of magic, along with the limits that magic has.
Oceana can not do this journey alone, she gains help from her childhood best friend Jamlson Douglas; the librarian's son Headworth Williams and his robot TOAD. Together the four of them navigate the world of technology and magic, searching for the person who wrote the letter to Oceana's grandfather. All while faced with rumors about the evil king, Sage Magnus, and how he is coming back from the dead to get his revenge on Cor'Meum.
This book is perfect for those who have or are currently struggling with family identity vs their own self-identity. This also plays a bigger theme in the world that Oceana Sanford lives in. The world around her is transitioning away from magic and entering the era of technology, forcing a struggle among the people. Who would want to fit into which side? This story is full of twists and turns so buckle up and enjoy the ride!