Embark on a unique isekai journey where we follow Harry, who finds himself caught up in a darkly humorous and enigmatic world. Following an untimely demise at Maiara's hand, Harry is now destined for near-eternal servitude due to the contract he signed. Yet, there's an underlying sense of unease ever since his first night, leading him to question his new reality. As Harry grapples with disturbing memories from his past life, he starts piecing together the ominous machinations that surround him. Will he discern the impending dangers in time, or is his fate already sealed?
In this new world where magic is treated scientifically and religion is non-existent, Harry encounters a colorful array of characters, each adding a unique flavor to his new existence. As the story unfolds, readers are challenged to judge these characters, their motivations, and Harry's responses to them.
This engrossing book, filled with mystery, intrigue, and full-page color illustrations in each subchapter, takes the reader on a whirlwind adventure through Harry's eyes. Dive into this new world and join Harry on his thrilling quest for answers.