A Giant to Remember is a retrospect of Ji-Tu’s career through the rise,
peak and transition of the Black film era. He chronicles his film career
during the 70’s, 80’s. and 90’s. A time when America saw a sweeping
transformation in politics, fashion and the music industry. Stereotypical
roles were no longer the standard as more diversified images arose.
His story will take you back in time as he interacts with legendary film
stars, such as Elvis Presley, Ed Asner, Mary Tyler Moore, Jane Fonda,
Sofia Loren, Tom Hanks, Richard Pryor, Bette Midler, Ray Charles and
many more.
Ji-Tu emerged as a character actor noted for strong performances as
the Wrestler in ROOTS and Ciscero in MANDINGO. With as many as
thirty-three films and over one hundred television roles, his journey is
certainly that of A Giant to Remember.