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We found 3 results for “stephen leon pearson”

Full ImagePreview ImageStephen Leon Pearson: books, biography, news, upcoming events | BookBaby Bookshophttps://store.bookbaby.com/bookshop/profile/index.aspx?profileURL=StephenLeonPearsonStephen Leon Pearson is an Iowa born musician and writer who spent the entire 1970s in his beloved city of Chicago before joining the love of his life in Colorado in the early 1980s. Stephen is a classically trained musician with a degree in music but also studied creative writing. He loves both writing and playing music. Upon graduation from college he was torn between music and writing which may explain his ultimate career as a computer programmer. As a musician, he does not play a modern flute. He does, however, play recorders and Native American Flute as well as tuba. When not playing instruments, he sings. While in Chicago he was friends with several dedicated but starving artists. Stephen visited the Art Institute many times. His favorite collections are from the Medieval period through the Baroque. This mirrors his love for music of the same period. Of course, he also gazed into the Seurat. He first self-published in 1972 with his book of poetry, "Poems of Stephen Pearson." It is out of print but still shows up now and then on Amazon. Even after writing hundreds of additional poems, Stephen has not published another volume of poetry. His explanation is that he just hasn't gotten around to it. Even so, he believes self-publishing liberates creativity from the confines of the publishing market. Email to rlandthefg@gmail.com
Full ImagePreview ImageRed Licorice and the Five Goddesses by Stephen Leon Pearson | BookBaby Bookshophttps://store.bookbaby.com/book/red-licorice-and-the-five-goddessesThis is Louis' introspective memoir that spans 50 years. He first focuses on when he met his future wife, Susan, in 1969. She is a successful feminist artist in Chicago that specializes in figurative art. A year later she and Louis drive to Boulder, Colorado after camping in Rocky Mountain National Park. Susan rests while Louis takes a self-guided tour of the Columbine Collegium which is a music school founded by unemployed musicians after the depression. While crossing the campus Louis meets Sylvie who is playing her flute on a bridge. Sylvie is the 16-year-old daughter of two of the music faculty. Louis and Sylvie hit it off and Sylvie insists that they trade addresses so they can write to each other. Louis fails to tell Susan of the meeting. Susan is much surprised when a letter arrives when they get back to Chicago that has Sylvie's return address. After going to see a movie that features a 50-foot woman bent on vengeance, Susan embarks on a project that she calls The Goddess. Her dream is to paint a 50-foot painting of her version of the tiny paleolithic Venus of Willendorf figurine found in 1908. This is not an easy project and she spends the rest of the year on scaffolding fulfilling her dream. Meanwhile Louis and Sylvie become pen pals. Her letters fill the void left by Susan. Louis and Sylvie agree to meet in Michigan where Sylvie's family goes to a music camp on vacation. When Louis arrives at the meeting place there is no Sylvie. Upon the return to Chicago Louis learns the reason. Susan completes her Goddess and has a spectacular unveiling party complete with Susan's feminist speech and its interpretation by modern dancers. December with Louis' birthday arrives and he gets a present from Sylvie. Unfortunately, he is hung over in bed after a big birthday party in Chicago's Greek Town. Susan gets the mail. Imagine her surprise because she didn't know the two were writing. The next couple of years bring the couple together again. 2010 brings Louis back to Boulder in search of Sylvie. He has thought of her over the years and has tried to find her and now the search is a family effort. Sylvie is eventually found and the question asked by Shakespeare is finally answered. Who is Sylvia?eBook, Paperback

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