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We found 5 results for “james braha”

Full ImagePreview ImageLiving Reality: My Extraordinary Summer With Sailor Bob Adamson by James Braha | BookBaby Bookshophttps://store.bookbaby.com/book/living-realityLiving Reality ranks among modern spiritual texts as one of the clearest, most alive and accessible works on Advaita (non-duality). The book does for readers what Sailor Bob Adamson did for the author. And that is to take the seeker beyond the need for help by exposing the false reference point - the me - for what it is: a phantom created by the mind. This is the extraordinary first-hand account of James Braha's spiritual awakening when one of the world's greatest non-duality masters stayed in his home for five weeks. During the summer of 2004, spiritual seekers from all over the U.S. converged at James' home to hear Sailor Bob present the teachings that Nisargadatta Maharaj used to end Bob's search during the 1970's. In between Sailor Bob's lectures and dialogues are sections where James provides his own insights and explanations that address the myriad spiritual pitfalls and roadblocks that he (and so many others) encountered over three decades of seeking. He explains, in meticulous detail and from as many angles as possible, how non-duality addresses and solves them. This text goes beyond other non-duality satsang question and answer books, because it is the real life adventure of a determined seeker who spent decades in different spiritual movements, trying nearly every technique and practice that could help. When Sailor Bob arrived, James took his lucky opportunity to ask any and every question a seeker would possibly want to ask, no matter how confronting, embarrassing, or seemingly silly. The dialogues are so detailed and intimate that readers feel like they are in the room listening. James' search began in 1970. By 2004 he had nearly giving up hope of finding. This book was written for others in the same situation.eBook
Full ImagePreview ImageThe Art and Practice of Ancient Hindu Astrology - Part One: Nine Intimate Sessions Between Teacher and Student by James Braha | BookBaby Bookshophttps://store.bookbaby.com/book/the-art-and-practice-of-ancient-hindu-astrology-part-oneIn this highly readable text, James Braha teaches Hindu/Vedic astrology to a pupil. This book preserves the teacher/student format to address the lack of Hindu astrology teachers in local areas. James answers every question an enquiring student could ask, while giving knowledge-hungry readers the sense they are in the room at every moment. Students report that they have been able to make the leap from hobbyist to professional with this book. Writing fifteen years after his groundbreaking book Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer, the author contrasts what he has gleaned during decades of practice compared to textbook teachings and accepted wisdom. An experience-first astrologer who accepts no astrological technique blindly, the author has tested everything for himself. Techniques that work powerfully are distinguished from those that are mediocre, inconsistent, or unreliable. Although designed for intermediate and advanced students, beginners who study the Introductory Appendix can easily follow along, saving years of frustration and confusion. Over 20 horoscope and varga chart examples are included. Invaluable for all students are the numerous lists demonstrating how to prioritize the myriad aspects of analysis that challenge every Hindu astrologer. Originally published in 2001, this text has been updated, revised, and expanded to two E book volumes; Part One and Part Two. Part One covers: Horoscope analysis of the teacher and student. The muhurta for the teaching project. Retrograde and stationary planets. Kujadosha/Manglik/Mangaldosha How Panoti yoga affects Sade Sati. Ashtaka varga. Horoscopes of JFK, Bill Clinton, and Robert De Niro. Warning about marakas. A full chapter on how to prioritize horoscope features— including lists showing the most positive conditions of planets (and houses) from best to most average, and lists showing the most negative planetary (and house) influences—from worst to merely mildly afflicted.eBook
Full ImagePreview ImageThe Art and Practice of Ancient Hindu Astrology - Part Two: Nine Intimate Sessions Between Teacher and Student by James Braha | BookBaby Bookshophttps://store.bookbaby.com/book/the-art-and-practice-of-ancient-hindu-astrology-part-twoIn Part Two of this highly readable teacher/student dialogue text, James Braha continues teaching his private pupil Hindu/Vedic astrology. The author addresses every question an enquiring student could ask, while giving knowledge-hungry readers the sense they are in the room at every moment. Part Two includes: How to handle inordinately confusing horoscopes. Two full classes on subtleties and often ignored significations of all 12 houses. How to choose a wedding date. How to interpret a stellium of planets. The problems with neechabhanga and vargottama. Varga (divisional) charts. A full chapter on gemstones, mantras, and yagyas—the methods to ameliorate problems indicated in the chart. An analysis of the John Lennon birthtime dilemma; whether to use the morning time Lennon reported or the night birth declared by a relative. Writing fifteen years after his groundbreaking book Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer, the author contrasts what he has gleaned during decades of practice compared to textbook teachings and accepted wisdom. An experience-first astrologer who accepts no astrological technique blindly, the author has tested everything for himself. Techniques that work powerfully are distinguished from those that are mediocre, inconsistent, or unreliable. Invaluable for all students are the numerous lists demonstrating how to prioritize the myriad positive and negative aspects of analysis that challenge every Hindu astrologer. Students who have studied this book report that they have been able to make the leap from hobbyist to professional. Although designed for intermediate and advanced students, beginners who study the Introductory Appendix can easily follow along, saving years of frustration and confusion. Over 25 horoscope and varga chart examples are included. Originally published in 2001, this text has been updated, revised, and expanded to two E book volumes: Part One and Part Two.eBook

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