The Gift of Words: How Do Children Learn to Talk? offers simple ways which support parents in their role as their children’s first language teacher. The book has a dozen conversation starters for parents of children 0-4 years of age. Parents at Educare in Chicago and Home Visitors at Clyde Childcare Center in Cicero contributed their advice to the book through focus groups conducted prior to the books final publication. Amazon wants your opinion and comments on The Gift of Words: How Do Children Learn to Talk? To order the book contact or a search on for “Talmage Steele” or “ISBN 978-1-54393-560-8” " /> The Gift of Words: How Do Children Learn to Talk? offers simple ways which support parents in their role as their children’s first language teacher. The book has a dozen conversation starters for parents of children 0-4 years of age. Parents at Educare in Chicago and Home Visitors at Clyde Childcare Center in Cicero contributed their advice to the book through focus groups conducted prior to the books final publication. Amazon wants your opinion and comments on The Gift of Words: How Do Children Learn to Talk? To order the book contact or a search on for “Talmage Steele” or “ISBN 978-1-54393-560-8” " />