Bob Moyer (pseudonym - Peeky) has been writing fiction for children, young adults, and adults young at heart for nearly ten years. The following stories will be posted to his website, or in the near future. "The Calamitous Attitude of Kat Katitude" is about teenage and young adult cats living together as roommates. Another is a bedtime ditty - "No Such Thing", "Fast Food" is a picture book without words about a slow spider trying to catch fast insects, and the list goes on.
Professionally, Bob Moyer has been a trainer, a guest speaker, and featured writer for over thirty years in the community association industry. In addition to having a Bachelor’s degree from Florida State University in Accounting, he has been a Florida Real Estate Broker, a Licensed Community Association Manager (LCAM), the President of, and one of the principals in The Vanguard Management Group, Inc.
Bob is also a past President of CEOMC, an organization comprised of Chief Executive Officers of Management Companies. Its members are committed to promoting and protecting homeowner associations throughout Florida, engaging in advocacy and setting the standard for community management.
Bob began writing for children in 2010 and belonged to the Society of Children's Book Writers
and Illustrators (SCBWI) for many years. In 2012, he and his wife Janet concluded a busy week with a night on the town. His opening question to her was, "So Dorothy, how is Toto?"
From that nugget, he created a version of the Wizard of Oz featuring Toto as the main character. With the input of the readers first two books, he intends to create the third book of the trilogy by 2020. This series will be a celebration of the 120th year of the first printing in 1900 of the original "Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by L. Frank Baum.