Wendy Brown-Báez is a writer, teacher, and performance poet. Wendy is the author of the book Heart on the Page: A Portable Writing Workshop, a novel Catch a Dream, poetry books Threading the Gold, Ceremonies of the Spirit and transparencies of light and has published poetry and prose in numerous literary journals, such as Borderlands, The Litchfield Review, Lavandería, Mizna, Water~Stone Review, and Peregrine, anthologies such as The Chrysalis Reader, Wising Up Press, and The Heart of All That Is, and in on-line journals such as Interfaithing, The Feminine Collective, Talking Writing and Duende. Her essays "Why We Write: The Wounded and Enduring" appeared in Poets & Writers Magazine and Pilgrimage won the National Women Book Association 2016 contest. She also co-authored Writing to Wholeness: workshops to transform lives and communities with Elena Eggert Anderson, and hey continue to consult and lead trainings for facilitators who use writing as a tool for creative expression for survivors of personal violence.
Wendy was awarded McKnight and MN State Arts Board grants to teach writing in non-profits. She is the creator of Writing Circles for Healing and facilitates writing for healing workshops as well as creative writing and memoir in community spaces such as schools, libraries, cafes, prisons, healing centers, churches, women’s retreats, yoga studios and arts organizations.
Wendy was the 2023-2024 artist-in-residence at Westminster Presbyterian Church and her residency resulted in the poetry collection Threading the Gold.