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Publisher Info

P.R.A. Publishing  is committed to sharing  the love of reading in their local community as well as globally. The kinds of books that are chosen to be published are books whose messages have a universal themes and are able to make a connection to just about anyone, no matter where they are in life.


Save The Date
Coming this Fall
We Survived: Creating Global Awareness on Domestic Violence Using Different Mediums
September 28th and 29th, 2024

Silvana Marconi (Author of Sobreviví and Producer of the documentary We Survived)
Ismael Krall (Director and Producer of the documentary We Survived)
Lucinda Clark (Publisher-PRA Publishing and Producer of the documentary We Survived)
Dr. Giada Biasetti (Associate Professor of Spanish)
SafeHomes of Augusta https://www.safehomesdv.org/

Save the date for this two-day event that will feature the screening of the documentary We Survived, which focuses on Uruguayan author Silvana Marconi’s and other victims’ experience with domestic violence. In this documentary, you hear their stories and are encouraged to understand and join them in their struggle to prevent domestic violence. Join us after the screening for a conversation with the director and the author. The event will also include a presentation by Silvana Marconi and some of the students that translated her book, a presentation by Dr. Giada Biasetti on the translation project, a conversation with the Publisher, and opportunities to interact with other special guests.

The purpose of this event is also to reach out to the community and help spread awareness on this important

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