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About the Author

Lazlo Ferran
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Lazlo Ferran: Exploring the Landscapes of Truth

Educated near Oxford, during English author Lazlo Ferran’s extraordinary life, he has been an aeronautical engineering student, dispatch rider, graphic designer, full-time busker, guitarist and singer, recording two albums. Having grown up in rural Buckinghamshire Lazlo says:

“The beautiful Chiltern Hills offered the ideal playground for a child’s mind, in contrast to the ultra-strict education system of Bucks.”

Brought up as a Buddhist, he has travelled widely, surviving a student uprising in Athens and living for a while in Cairo, just after Sadat’s assassination. Later, he spent some time in Central Asia and was only a few blocks away from gunfire during an attempt to storm the government buildings of Bishkek in 2006. He has a keen interest in theologies and philosophies of the Far East, Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe.

After a long and successful career within the science industry, Lazlo Ferran left to concentrate on writing, to continue exploring the landscapes of truth.

Lazlo Ferran on Twitter: @Lazlo_F

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Lazlo Ferran on: Google Plus


(For kids adaptations and TEFL books, search for Lazlo Ferran on Amazon)

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Books include:

Occult thrillers: Vampire: Find my Grave, Ordo Lupus and the Temple Gate, The Devil's Own Dice, The Synchronicity Code, Rip: Grail of the Secret Sun and Lotus: Enter the Labyinth.

Science Fiction: Running: The Alien in the Mirror, Too Bright the Sun, Unknown Place, Unknown Universe and Worlds Like Dust

Historical Thrillers: Attack Hitler's Bunker!, December Radio and Screaming Angels

Other: Infinite Blue Heaven, The Ice Boat and The Man Who Recreated Himself

Translations: Ordo Lupus y la Puerta del Templo, Ordo Lupus und das Tor des Tempels, Ordo Lupus et le Portail du Temple, 圣墓寻踪, 恶魔的游戏, 耀日, 袭击!希特勒地堡!恶魔的游戏, Ordo Lupus II: Die Teufels eigenen Dice, Ordo Lupus II: Los Dados del Demonio, Ataque o Bunker de Hitler! O Sol Brilhante Demais.

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